The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy's Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Program develops models of advanced reactor phenomena to demonstrate code applicability to challenging physics problems, drive code development through user assessment, and perform code verification and validation. Meanwhile, the U.S. DOE's National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) hosts an open-source website and associated GitHub repository called the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) on which computational models for advanced reactors are documented and shared with the reactor community.This work documents NEAMS efforts to support industry adoption of advanced modeling tools through contribution of 10 NEAMS models to the NRIC Virtual Test Bed including models for the High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF), TRISO fuel failure in a microreactor, and multiphysics models of a molten chloride fast reactor, among others. The open sharing of these models benefits the reactor community by providing "best practice" examples using NEAMS tools for advanced reactor physics problems. In particular, the HTTF model is being used for code validation and benchmarking activities. The microreactor and molten chloride fast reactor models are representative of analysis that may be useful for current candidates of DOME and LOTUS, NRIC's physical testbeds. This report summarizes and provides links to these new models and highlights their importance in developing and demonstrating advanced nuclear reactor systems.