We present an experimental and theoretical study on the gravity-wave instability developing in a highly turbulent free-surface Taylor-Couette flow, for which only the inner cylinder rotates. Above a critical rotation speed, from an axisymmetric turbulent base state a non-axisymmetric fluctuating gravity-wave state develops, with an m = 1 azimuthal wave number. The bifurcation is discontinuous and presents hysteresis. In contrast to previously reported work (Mujica N and Lathrop D 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 51 49-62), here we compare our experimental results with a universal model based on a quintic subcritical amplitude equation with additive noise. In general, the model describes correctly the mean free-surface oscillation amplitude and its fluctuations, although differences exist in the bistability region width and the free-surface fluctuations in the gravity wave state. These differences are due to the finite time measurements and non-linear effects, respectively. Indeed, we show that longer measurement times allow the system to transit in either direction (from or to the base state), which results in the shrinking of the bistability region. For very long measurement times, and in a very narrow range of rotation rates, the system presents a series of random reversals between both states. Finally, by removing the mean wave and flow oscillations in the measured free-surface and bulk pressure signals, we demonstrate that their dynamic fluctuations depend on the system state.