Background: Among the agronomic practices, optimum plant population and balanced nutrient management are pivotal for enhanced pulse production besides ensuring soil health. Methods: Present study was conducted during rabi 2020-21 and 2021-22 in split plot design with four main plots viz; seed rate (52, 70, 77 and 105 kg ha-1) and seven sub-plot nutrient management practices viz., N1- absolute control , N2- 75% RDF, N3- 100% RDF (20:50:20 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1), N4 -125 % RDF, S5- 75% RDF + soil application of microbial consortia (Azotobacter + Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) + Potassium releasing bacteria (KRB)+ Zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZnSB) @ 5 kg ha-1), N6- 100 % RDF + MC and N7- 125% RDF + MC. Result: Higher nodulation, seed yield (25.8 q ha-1) and economics (net returns ₹ 88807 ha-1 and B-C ratio 2.92) were registered with seed rate of 105 kg ha-1. However, protein content of chickpea was better with seed rate of 52 kg ha-1. Among the nutrient management treatments, crop growth, nodulation, seed yield (25.8 q ha-1) and economics (net returns ₹ 84388 ha-1 and B-C ratio 2.90) were found to be better with application of 125% RDF + Microbial consortia. Significant and positive correlation was found between the parameters at p less than 0.01.