Background: A study was done during the Rabi 2022-23 on the farm of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara (Punjab) on “Effect of planting patterns, weed competition on growth, yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).” PBW-824 variety was used for the experiment which is suitable under irrigated conditions of Punjab. Methods: The experiment was conducted in split plot design (SPD) with 4 planting techniques viz. two rows per bed, three rows/bed, bidirectional sowing, flat/line sowing in main/major plots and four weed competition treatments viz. competition by Phalaris minor only, competition by broad leaf weeds only, competition by both (weedy check) and no competition (weed free) in minor/sub plots. Result: The findings concluded that among main plots, crucially more grain yield (51.93 q/ha) and (51.29 q/ha) was obtained in cross sowing and three rows/bed, than two rows/bed and flat/line sowing pattern. Also increased seed/kernel yield in cross sowing, three rows/bed and two rows/bed was (14.43%, 13.02% and 5.39%) respectively than flat sowing. The growth and yield attributes were also seriously more in cross sowing, three rows per bed than flat sowing. Among weed competition treatments grain yield was significantly higher in no competition by both Phalaris minor and broad leaf weeds than other weed competition treatments. There were 41.85%, 25.55% and 14.75% increased grain yield in no competition treatment, competition by broad leaf weeds only and competition by Phalaris minor only as compared to control (unweeded) treatment. Among sub plots, all yield attributes were significantly higher in weed free treatment as contrast to all other weed competition treatments.