Post-harvest loss of different vegetables in Bangladesh is widespread due to the lack of suitable technologies. A laboratory trial was conducted to assess the effect of chitosan coating on weight loss, shelf-life, biochemical qualities and mineral elements of carrots at postharvest storage. At room temperature (≈23-25ºC), four treatments were selected with different chitosan solutions (0.00%, 0.10%, 0.20% and 0.30%). Matured carrots were collected at 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after postharvest storage (DAPS) for weight loss, while the shelf-life data were measured at 4 and 8 DAPS. On the other hand, carrots were collected at 0 (fresh) and 8 DAPS to determine total sugar, phenolic and mineral contents (Ca, Mg, P, S, Na, and K). Compared to control, the application of 0.30% chitosan coating preserved weight loss by 1.48% at 8 DAPS. The results also showed that applying 0.30% chitosan coating significantly (P ≤ 0.05) extended the shelf-life of carrots up to 35% at 8 DAPS compared to the control. Chitosan coatings also enhanced the loss of total sugars and contents of Mg in carrots during postharvest storage. However, total phenolic contents in carrots decreased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) during postharvest storage, and the application of chitosan was unable to protect them. The study concluded that chitosan coating with 0.30% solution might be used to prevent weight loss, extend shelf-life, and improve some nutritional qualities of carrots viz., Ca, Na, K, P and S.