Withholding nitrogen decreased the percentages of nitrogen and chlorophyll in the blades; reduced the total fixation of radioactive carbon dioxide at 15, 37, and 178 seconds; and changed the relative composition of fixation products. Translocation of radioactive photosynthate from the fed part down the attached blade and into the stalk was less in the plants deprived of nitrogen than in the control plants supplied with nitrogen. Both the percentage of total activity translocated and the velocity of transport were decreased by nitrogen deficiency. During a translocation period of 90 minutes the minus nitrogen blade retained more '4C-sucrose than the control in the fed part and the blade below the fed part, but it sent less '4C-sucrose to the sheath of the fed leaf. Thus translocation decreased with nitrogen deficiency not for lack of sucrose but for some other reason. Although withholding nitrogen decreased translocation of labeled carbon in and from attached blades, there was no effect upon transport in detached blades. The effect of nitrogen deficiency upon translocation may be indirect and secondary to the effect upon growth of the plant as a whole.Factors affecting translocation of 'IC in sugarcane include supply of K, N, and P (8,10,11 and whether the N is supplied as NO3-or NH4+ (2,5). N nutrition may also affect the composition of the translocate (16).The purpose of this paper is to report the effect of N deficiency upon translocation in sugarcane plants which was Equal doses of 14CO2 were supplied to 20-cm lengths of blade of intact plants outdoors where grown, by the use of the chamber described previously (8). Translocation was terminated by cutting the plant into the required parts. Samples were prepared and their radioactivity was determined by methods already presented in detail (13). Briefly, at harvest the plants were subdivided, weighed, and sampled. Dried, milled samples were counted at infinite thickness. Samples of extracts were counted at infinite thinness. Samples for sugar analyses were boiled and extracted with ethanol. Sugars were analyzed by the method described by Tanimoto and Burr (18) and chromatographed by the methods given previously (13). Chromatograms were counted on the paper.Results counted at infinite thickness are expressed as relative specific activity (the net cpm at infinite thickness), relative total counts (the relative specific activity times the total dry weight in milligrams), and percentage of relative total counts in the plant or detached blade (obtained by adding the relative total counts of each part). Results counted at infinite thinness are expressed as total counts.Methods for Photosynthesis Test. The early and later stages in photosynthesis (15, 37, and 178 sec) were studied in one experiment. Three sections of blade each 7.5 cm long, including midrib and lamina, were cut from the central part of blade 42 of a control plant and also of a plant deprived of N. Alternate sections of + and -N blades stood in a trough of water at the base of a wire rack whi...