The addition of as little as 2 ppb of manganese to ferrocyanide-treated beet molasses during citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger NRC A-1-233 caused a 10% reduction in acid yield and an undesirable change in the morphology of the organism from the normal pelletlike form to the filamentous form. Still smaller additions (0.4-2 ppb) caused undesirable pellet clumping, while greater additions (2-100 pph) gave flirther decreases in yield. The yield obtained a t 100 pph was less than 25% of that obtained a t 1 ppb or less. None of the other metals tested (Al", CaZ+, Co2+, Cu2+, Fez+, Mg2+, Niz+, Znzf) visibly changed pellet morphology, and only Al3+, Fez+, and Zn2+ at relatively higher concentrations (5-25 ppm) reduced acid yield. The adverse effect of manganese on growth and acid prodiiction was not affected by addition of the other metals.* Approximately 3 0 4 5 % of A13+ arid Ca2+ and 93-98% of Co2+, Cuzf, Fez+, hlg7+, Ni2 +, and Znz+ are precipitated during the ferrocyanide treatmenL4