Masonry has historically been amongst the most widely used building materials, hence being observed in a large percentage of the historical built heritage in many countries. Many historical masonry buildings include structures made of dry-joint stone masonry (DSM) walls, due to either original building techniques or significant mortar loss under various degradation sources. In this latter case, partial or total mortar loss under combined chemical, mechanical and physical degradation may indeed lead to a material behaviour akin to that of dry-joint masonry. Research on structural behaviour of DSM buildings, including experimental and/or theoretical studies, is therefore required to assess and mitigate disaster risk in several countries. In this study, the discontinuous nature of dry-joint masonry and its complex nonlinear response is numerically modelled according to the discrete element method (DEM). In such a discontinuum-based micro-modelling approach, masonry is discretized into an assembly of distinct bodies, either rigid or deformable, which are locally connected by pairs of normal and tangential springs simulating the interface behaviour. Large-displacement dynamic analysis accounting for separation and impact between bodies is thus carried out, allowing the simulation of fracture and collapse processes. In case of dry-joint stone masonry, a numerical model is validated against experimental data and a discussion over the advantages and limitations of the adopted modelling approach is provided. The model is then used to run a parametric analysis on DSM elements, in the form of either individual structural components or assemblies. Due to their relevance in the overall structural behaviour of masonry buildings under both gravity and horizontal loads, DSM piers are investigated, in order to assess the sensitivity of their mechanical behaviour to aspect ratios, load and boundary conditions.