Multidomain ferro-and ferrimagnets carrying a thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) display a maximum in remanent magnetization just below the Curie temperature T, when continuously demagnetized in zero field. We interpret this demagnetization peak t o be indicative of the presence of TRM domain wall moments that grow in a small temperature interval (near &) upon heating where the domain wall volume increases at a rate faster than the decrease in spontaneous magnetization MSP. Hysteresis measurements in the vicinity of T, on a single crystal of magnetite show that the spontaneous magnetization may be orders of magnitude smaller than the strong field magnetization measured in Ms/ T curves. Micromagnetic calculations using experimentally determined M,,/T data suggest that the single domain (SD) threshold for magnetite can increase by more than an order of magnitude from room temperature to just below T, in support of the domain wall moment model.