The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of different processing procedures on the nutrient contentof three different cocoyam varieties (Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Colocasia esculenta and Colocosiaantiguorum) as well as the sensory qualities of their respective soups. The different varieties of Cocoyamwere processed into flour, made into paste and formed into dough before analyzed for proximate and mineralcontent according to conventional procedures. Soups were also prepared using the flour, paste and doughfrom the different cocoyam varieties. The soups were evaluated for their organoleptic qualities. The datagenerated were subjected to analysis of variance and Turkey’s test was used to differentiate between themeans. The result showed that moisture ranged from 6.17 to 8.00 percent, ash was between 0.59 and 5.73percent, protein content was between 0.25 and 4.25 percent, fat was between 0.26 and 1.39 percent, crudefibre was between 2.65 and 14.70 percent and carbohydrate ranged between 15.83 and 74.02 percent. Therewas a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the proximate composition of the samples based onvariety and processing techniques. The potassium content ranged from 5467 to 7961 mg/100g, calcium wasbetween 15.00 and 64.00 mg/100g while iron was between 10.50 and 47.90 mg/100g. The sensory qualitiesof the soups revealed that colour ranged from 4.00 to 7.50, taste ranged from 4.60 to 7.75, thickness wasbetween 3.15 and 6.85, flavour ranged from 4.35 to 7.00 overall acceptability ranged from 4.60 to 7.05. Thesoups thickened with Colocasia antiguorum dough had the highest rating for its thickness while soupthickened with Colocasia esculenta dough had the highest mean rating colour, taste, flavour and overallacceptability and was the sample that was most preferred. There was no discernible difference in theacceptability of the soups prepared using dough made from the three varieties of cocoyam. Based on thefindings of the study, dough from Colocasia esculenta can be used to thicken soups.