Jewel' sweet-potato slices 0.5 rm thick were precooked at 100, 125 and 150C for vatying periods of time, jnish-cooked for I5 min at 15OC, and pureed. Selected chemical and physical properties ofthe purees were compared to a puree prepared from conventionally baked sweet potatoes (1.25 h at 195C). Pureesfrom the controlled heat process were also compared to the baked puree by a sensor?, panel. Of all the treatments, pureehom the I OOC, 6-min precook treatment was the most silimar to puree from baked sweet potatoes with respect ro chemical and physical characteristics. nie sensory pane1.found the two purees to be digerent, but were equal/? divided when asked to express a preference. Subsequent analysis showed that the starch of the baked control had been more completely hydrolyzed than the starch of the other treatments. Diis M'CZS reflected by higher maltose, lower starch content and by decreased starch molecular size and viscosity of the control cornpared Mith the other treatments.