The objective of this research was to observe the effect of complete feed containing banana stem on kacang goat productivity. Twelve male kacang goats were used with average initial body weight 14.42 ± 1.98 kg and ages between 10-15 months. Complete feed made in the form of pellets with a diameter of 7 mm and length 3 cm. Construction of enclosure measuring 12m x 6m and the construction of the stage as high as 140 cm-story and plot pens measuring 1 x 1 m with a height of 130 cm. Rumen fluid p H , blood glucose, acetic acid, ammonia (NH3), volatile fatty acid (VFA), body weight, complete feed intake, dry matter intake, digestibility of dry matter, energy consumption, energy digestibility, feed conversion complete, carcasses and carcass parts are measured. Data were analyzed by t-test. Results showed that the rumen fluid pH, NH3, CF3 between treatments were not significantly different CF0 (P < 0.05), whereas propionic acid, butyrate, blood glucose and total VFA differ high significantly (P< 0.01). CF3 treatment produces propionic acid, Butyrate, blood glucose and total VFA better than the control. Complete feed containing wheat banana stem stone kacang goat productivity is better than complete feed control.Keywords: banana stem stone, complete feed, kacang goat
INTRODUCTIONAvailability of feed non-ruminant and ruminant animals is a problem in developing countries such as in Indonesia. For non-ruminant livestock, many feed ingredients are imported while for ruminants which depend entirely on local materials and often it is difficult to get a feed ingredient as the availability is always not continuous. Searching feed material in the form of by-product agro-industry continues. Cultivation of banana is one of the agro industry business as this plant is the easiest plant to grow and thrive well in Indonesia. Banana weevil is the banana plant stem under the soil surface (bulbs). The chemical composition of banana weevil consists of dry matter (DM) 6.20-13.87%, protein 2.99-3.4%, fiber fat 0.96-7.0%, crude fiber 9.99-16. 1% (Gerona et al., 1987). Banana weevil flour containing 66.2% carbohydrates and 5.88% protein. Based on the potential nutritional raw materials, the banana weevil can be used as a material source of energy for ruminant livestock as the feed material contains 20% less crude protein, crude fiber less than 18% (Hartadi et al., 1997). Complete feed using local raw materials / agricultural waste in the form of banana weevil has advantages such as readily available materials andcheaper price, lower production costs, easier to distribute and nutrient can be determined in accordance with the needs of livestock. Complete feeds have a competitive advantage compared to commercial feed manufactured large industrial scale because it is more efficient in production and transportation cost, easy storage and can reduce operating cost, especially labor (Sunarso et al., 2007). Kacang goat has the advantage that the production is pretty good, easy to adapt to unfavorable environment, proliferate rapidly and is we...