Neuroactive steroids affect neurotransmission by action at the membrane ion-gated receptors and at other neurotransmitter receptors. 3a-Hydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone, AP, Fig. 1), a representative neuroactive steroid, binds to the g-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA A ) receptors with a high affinity and positively modulates the action of GABA at these receptors, and hence elicits marked antidepressant, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. 1) AP is synthesized from progesterone (PROG) via 5a-dihydroprogesterone (5a-DHP) by sequential reduction mediated by 5a-reductase and 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3a-HSD).Recent evidence also suggests that AP may be relevant to antidepressant drug action and depression pathophysiology.2,3) Fluoxetine (Fluox) is a typical selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and is clinically used for the treatment of depression. However, Pinna et al. demonstrated that Fluox increases the brain AP content and subsequent activation of GABA A receptors at doses that are inactive toward the 5-HT reuptake, but does effectively treat depression.
3)Based on this result, Pinna et al. further stated that the term "SSRI" may be misleading in describing the pharmacological profile of Fluox and suggested the term "selective brain steroidogenic stimulant (SBSS)" as a better descriptor.3) Furthermore, rodent studies examining the Fluox-induced elevation in the brain AP level demonstrated that the effect is present to the same extent in both adrenalectomized and intact animals, suggesting that the Fluox-induced elevation in the brain AP level is due to de novo AP biosynthesis in the brain.2) 5a-Androstane-3a,17b-diol (3a,5a-Adiol, Fig. 1) is the best-characterized neuroactive androgen and derived from testosterone (T) by the action of 5a-reductase and 3a-HSD. 4) 3a,5a-Adiol is structurally similar to AP and is also a potent positive modulator of GABA A receptors with anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. 4,5) The anticonvulsant profile of 3a,5a-Adiol is highly consistent with AP, which have been proven by several animal experiments. 4) However, it is not currently known if Fluox influences the brain and serum levels of 3a,5a-Adiol. Examination of this point can be useful in evaluating the exact mechanisms of action of Fluox. Based on this background information, the objectives of this study are to determine the Fluox-evoked changes in the brain and serum 3a,5a-Adiol levels and to compare the level changes of 3a,5a-Adiol to those of AP.
Materials and ReagentsAll the steroids including the deuterium-labeled internal standards (ISs) used in this study are those used in the previous studies.6-8) Each steroid was dissolved in and diluted with ethanol to prepare the standard solutions. Fluox was obtained from Wako Pure Chemical It is well known that fluoxetine (Fluox), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, increases the brain content of allopregnanolone (AP), a potent neuroactive steroid that positively modulates the action of g g-aminobutyric acid (G...