Management of AS aims at the social reintegration of patients or has to guarantee humanistic active nursing if treatment fails. Outcome depends on the cause and duration of AS/VS as well as patient's age. There is no single AS/VS specific laboratory investigation, no specific regimen or stimulating intervention to be recommended for improving higher cerebral functioning. Quality management requires at least 3 years of advanced training and permanent education to gain approval of qualification for AS/VS treatment and expertise. Sine qua non areas covering AS/VS institutions for early and long-term rehabilitation are required on a population base (prevalence of 2/100.000/year) to quicken functional restoration and to prevent or treat complications. Caring homes are needed for respectful humane nursing including basal sensor-motor stimulating techniques. Passive euthanasia is considered an act of mercy by physicians in terms of withholding treatment; however, ethical and legal issues with regard to withdrawal of nutrition and hydration and end of life discussions raise deep concerns. The aim of the guideline is to provide management guidance (on the best medical evidence class II and III or task force expertise) for neurologists, neurosurgeons, other physicians working with AS/VS patients, neurorehabilitation personnel, patients, next-of-kin, and health authorities.