In a Correspondence concerning second-derivative analysis of optical absorption spectra, Moreels and Hens use our recent paper [1] on changes in the energy-level structure of PbSe nanocrystals as an example to discuss, as they phrase it, the pros and cons of second-derivative analysis. Two potential pitfalls are identified: i) the appearance of an artifact peak between two well-separated peaks and ii) the correct interpretation of the background in the high-energy region. Even though the Correspondence is a valid contribution to the discussion on the usefulness of second-derivative analysis, we feel that a response is appropriate since the Correspondence may give the false impression that our analysis is hampered by problems arising from the identified pitfalls.In their Correspondence Moreels and Hens describe the problem of the appearance of an artifact peak as follows:''However, one should be aware of artifacts. For instance, two closely spaced Gaussian peaks exhibit a second-derivative spectrum featuring three dips: two negative ones coinciding with the maxima and an additional, slightly positive dip in between. Looking at the second-derivative spectrum of the Q-PbSe absorbance shown in Figure 3, this is exactly what one gets between the first and the second absorption peak. Koole et al. suggested that this feature might be the 1S-1P optical transition. A similar dip is observable in the second-derivative spectrum of PbS Qdots (and remained unassigned). Such dips might very well be second-derivative artifacts.'' Reading the Correspondence one may think that we were not aware of this problem, and that Moreels and Hens have identified this pitfall. This is not the case. The problem is well known and in our paper we identify this problem in words very similar to those later used by Moreels and Hens. The beginning of page 129 of our paper reads: [1] ''Finally, one has to be aware that the second derivative itself can create artifacts. For example, the second derivative of two well-separated Gaussians has an additional minimum in between the two peaks. To analyze if the minima in the second derivative correspond to actual optical transitions, we have fitted the absorption spectrum in Figure 2A to multiple Gaussian functions. The multi-Gaussian fit of the absorption spectrum is plotted as a solid line in Figure 2A and B, and the 11 associated Gaussian functions and background function are shown as dotted lines. As can be seen in Figure 2A and B, there is an excellent agreement between the multi-Gaussian fit and the absorption spectrum.'' Not only do we identify the (well-known) problem, we also give a solution: fitting of the original absorption spectrum to a multi-Gaussian function. A good description of the measured absorption spectrum is only obtained with 11 Gaussian peaks, including the extra peak between the two strong lower-energy absorption lines, providing additional evidence for the existence of this feature. At present, the discussion on the correct assignment of the various absorption lines for PbSe qua...