This paper fills an important gap in the on-going road lighting debate by investigating traffic stream deterioration during night-time rainfall.
The study carried out an investigation into the impact of night-time rainfall on traffic stream deterioration of two-lane roadways without lighting
In the rainfall impact studies, traffic volume, speed, vehicle type and headway data were collected at selected road segments in Akure, Nigeria. All surveyed roadways were within rain gauge catchment area of about 1km. Rainfall intensity was divided into three groups (light, moderate, and heavy). Dry weather data were used as a control parameter.
Data Analysis:
Stepwise data analysis is used for the ease of explanation and clarity. All model equations were tested for statistical fitness and deemed satisfactory for further analysis.
From the result, it is observed that rainfall intensityinfluences traffic flow at night-time.
Based on the results and findings, it is correct to conclude that the effect of night-time rainfall on traffic stream deterioration of roadways without lighting is significant. It is also correct to assert that rainfall affect night-time traffic stream performance on roads without lighting.