. J . Chem. 63, 609 (1985). The proton transfer chemical ionization mass spectra of eleven C5HI,,0 isomers have been obtained using H3+, NZH+, HCO', and D3' as reagent ions. The chemical ionization mass spectra in combination with isotopic labelling and metastable ion studies have made it possible to elucidate the major fragmentation reaction channels of the C5H,,0' ions formed and their dependence on precursor structure. From collision induced dissociation studies nine stable distinct C5H Introduction The C,,H2,, i. ,O' ions are abundant fragment ions in the electron impact mass spectra of aliphatic alcohols and ethers (1) and, because of their widespread occurrence, have received extensive study with respect to their thermochemistry, structures, and unimolecular fragmentation reactions. The thermochemistry of the lower members of the series (up to C,) is well established as a result of the elegant work of Lossing (2). The structures and low energy (metastable) unimolecular fragmentation reactions of the C2H50t, C3H70i, and C4H,0t ions formed by electron impact have been studied exhaustiv~ly by many groups and are now well understood (for a review and summary of these studies see ref.3). Indeed, the study of these systems played a large role in the development of the potential energy profile approach (4-6) to the interpretation of the low energy unimolecular chemistry of isolated gaseous organic ions. The C,,H2,,, '0' ions also can be prepared by proton transfer chemical ionization of carbonyl compounds and cyclic ethers and, recently, the chemistry of the C3H70t ions (7,8) and C4H90t ions (9) formed by proton transfer chemical ionization have been studied in detail and interpreted in terms of the potential energy profiles established from the earlier EI studies. In this chemical ionization approach a number of structures, such as protonated cyclic ethers inaccessible by electron impact methods, become available for study.In contrast to the extensive studies of the lower members of the series, the higher members of the C,,H,,,, '0' series have received much less attention. McLafferty and Sakai (10) have reported the collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra of a few C 5 H l 1 0 t ions, while Zahorszky (1 1) has surveyed briefly the unimolecular ion chemistry of higher members of the series. The most extensive study has been that of Audier et al. (12) of the C5HIIOt ions of nominal structures 1 to 7 (Scheme I ) prepared by electron impact methods. They studied not only the unimolecular metastable ion chemistry but also the CID mass spectra, and were able to show that all the ions