Three rationally designed glucose-platinum conjugates (Glc-Pts) were synthesized and their biological activities evaluated. The Glc-Pts, 1-3,exhibit high levels of cytotoxicity towardapanel of cancer cells.T he subcellular target and cellular uptake mechanism of the Glc-Pts were elucidated. For uptake into cells,G lc-Pt 1 exploits both glucose and organic cation transporters,b oth widely overexpressed in cancer. Compound 1 preferentially accumulates in and annihilates cancer,compared to normal epithelial, cells in vitro.Platinum-basedanticancerdrugs are among the most widely used of all chemotherapeutic treatments.T hree FDAapproved platinum anticancer drugs,c isplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin, have been in the clinic for many years to treat av ariety of cancers including testicular,o varian, cervical, head and neck, non-small-cell lung, and colorectal. [1] Despite their success,p latinum compounds have an umber of deficiencies originating from al ack of tumor selectivity.O nly as mall fraction of the total administered platinum accumulates at the tumor site,r esulting in sub-optimal drug concentration at the target. Moreover,a ccumulation of platinum in healthy tissue leads to undesired side effects including nephrotoxicity,m yelosuppression, peripheral neuropathy, ototoxicity,a nd nausea. [1b, 2] These drawbacks need to be addressed when designing next-generation platinum drugs. Novel strategies for introducing tumor-targeting properties into platinum anticancer drug candidates are therefore of great interest. [3] In order to maintain cellular homeostasis,g rowth, and proliferation, cancer cells significantly increaseglucose uptake andt he fluxo fm etabolites throughg lycolysis.T his phenomenon, termed "the Warburg effect", arisesfrommitochondrial metabolic changesa nd is one of the hallmarkso fc ancer. [4] GLUT1,t he mostc ommon glucose transporter, is widely overexpressed in manyh uman cancersi ncludingh epatic, pancreatic,b reast,e sophageal, brain, renal, lung,c utaneous, colorectal, endometrial, ovarian,and cervical. [5] HighGLUT1 expressionl evelsi nt umor biopsy samples correlates trongly withp oorp rognosis. Moreover,s everalo ther glucose transporters including GLUT2,G LUT3,G LUT12,a nd SGLT1/2[*] Dr.