Background and Aim: Wushu is a traditional sport in China and is considered an ancient Chinese martial art. Wushu is a sport that is packaged as a teaching course about martial arts and dances and is also aimed at improving the health of people who train and learn at all ages. Therefore, in wushu martial arts when starting to practice or start playing Students or players must prepare their bodies to be able to fight, but if they learn by starting, injuries that may occur with training or playing this type of sport will always happen.
Materials and Methods: Population and sample: The population used in this research were Sanda Wushu students’ a total number of 150 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire on Injury occurred during the Wushu course. created by the researcher with 3 parts, developed from a questionnaire on injuries of track and field athletes participating in the 39th National Games (Pengtee, 2011). The questionnaire has the following details: Part 1: Basic information of the buyer. Part 2: Sanda Wushu Injury Questionnaire Part 3: summarizes comments or suggestions regarding injury prevention.
Result: From the survey of the causes of injuries, there were two causes: injuries that occurred from the outside environment from studying Sanda Wushu (66%) and injuries that occurred from the athletes themselves (34%) and of body positions that were injured in most athletes' competitions. It occurred in 38.7% of the body positions, 24% of the upper limbs, 20% of the lower limbs, and 17.3% of the head positions.
Conclusion: From the summary of the above opinions, the injuries sustained in the class are injuries that are not serious and can be treated with basic first aid. Because studying at the school level is non-violent training, it is not surprising that it can be rehabilitated. In injury prevention, there were additional comments, namely the recommendation to increase protective equipment to be sufficient for the number of students and to improve the equipment appropriately. In addition, there is currently a training program for physical rehabilitation.