Purpose: Development and validation of quality of life questionnaire in pseudophakic patients in Portuguese. Methods: The modified Cataract TyPESpecification questionnaire was specifically developed to assess quality of life after cataract surgery, functional status evaluated with 10 items and contains 18 questions. All questions were applied by a single examiner, with the goal of graduating visual satisfaction from 0 to 10 (0 means very dissatisfied, 5 neutral, 10 very satisfied).This prospective comparative study included 142 eyes of 71 patients in Sao Paulo University. The ophthalmologic evaluation performed included near, intermediate and distance corrected and uncorrected visual acuity and quality of life questionaire. The minimum follow-up was 6 months. Results: The mean age of patients was 60.7± 6.6 years in theTecnis ® MF, 63.1 ±4.4 years in-groupRestor ® 63.7±4.2 years in-group SN60AT/SN60WF. Uncorrected and distance-corrected near visual acuity were statistically higher in theRestor ® and Tecnis ® groups compared to the SN60AT/SN60WF group (p<0.001). There were no statistical differences between groups comparing uncorrected and best-corrected distance visual acuity (p=0.56). Satisfaction questionnaire showed high glasses independence fortheTecnis ® MF (9.3 /10) and Restor ® (8.7 /10)
INTRODUCTIONP hacoemulsification and IOL implantation using increasingly smaller incisions have allowed rapid visual recovery with low rates of complications in the hands of experienced surgeons, as well as good quality of vision in the postoperative period. Assessment of the quality of vision can be done through various tests, such as those assessing contrast sensitivity, which is the ability to distinguish the details of images and depends on ambient brightness (1)(2)(3)(4) .In order to provide additional benefits to the visual quality of pseudophakic patients, intraocular lenses (IOLs) have been refined using an aspherical lens design to correct positive spherical aberrations of the cornea (5)(6)(7)(8) . One such aspherical lens is the SN60WF lens, developed from the SN60AT lens, both produced by Alcon Laboratories (Fort Worth, Texas, USA). The former provides greater reduction in spherical aberrations with better vision in low light conditions and increased contrast sensitivity in the postoperative period compared to the latter (5,6,9) .Monofocal IOLs are traditionally used for intraocular implants in cataract surgery. Do to their lack of optical correction, they do not provide a satisfactory depth of focus at varying distances. Despite the potential benefits of multifocal IOLs, their indications are still limited (10,11) .More advanced multifocal IOLs aim to provide contrast sensitivity similar that accepted for monofocal IOLs and to induce minimal optical aberrations. However, the scientific literature reports a loss of contrast sensitivity and functional vision associated with photic phenomena that affect patient satisfaction (12,13) .The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a quality of life qu...