Effects of a high cholesterol (HC) diet and HC diet supplemented with polydextrose on fecal flora, fecal bacterial enzyme activity and fecal putrefactive products in eight healthy volunteers were studied. They were fed a low cholesterol (LC) diet, HC diet, HC diet supplemented with polydextrose (15 g/day) (HCP) at 2-week intervals consecutively for 6 weeks. Polydextrose supplementation increased fecal weight and decreased fecal pH and the stool concentration of indole, p-cresol, iso-valeric acid and iso-butyric acid. A significant reduction of Clostridium in the feces was also observed during the HCP diet period. The frequency of occurrence and number of Clostridium perfringens in the feces were lower for the HCP diet than for the HC diet. Epidemiologic and experimental studies indicate that geographic, urbanrural, and socioeconomic differences exist in the incidence of colon and rectal cancer (4,8,18) and that dietary factors, particularly a high fat intake and a relatively low intake of certain types of dietary fiber, play important roles in their etiology (2,26,31,32). Carcinogens or cocarcinogens are produced in the gut by bacterial action on dietary components or on secretions produced in response to the diet (14). Studies comparing feces of subjects from Scotland, England and the United States (high-risk area for large bowel cancer) to subjects from India, Japan, 53