Development of odor mitigation from livestock industry has been continuouslyinevitable to achieve its sustainability. According to digestive tracks in livestock species, swine farm has been pressurized by civil complaint and government regulation, whereas Hanwoo and dairy farms were relatively out of range of a regulation. However, odor complaints are focused recently due to the expansion of a residential area. This research was conducted to estimate a mitigation efficient of additives in drinking water for Hanwoo. Total 32 Hanwoo in a raising period were tested including control. The additives provided by a retailor were linked with a drinking water line and supplied to 16 Hanwoo as a treatment. Gases (NH 3 , H 2 S, and VOCs) evolved from the bottom of each barn were measured and the concentration of gases in the treatment was lower than that in control. The analyses of manure showed that the concentration of T-N and NH 4 -N in treatment was also low by 74.2 and 83.7% levels in control, respectively. In addition, composting test described the oxidation of manure in the treatment had been relatively processed over the control. Microbial biota in feces was also changed between control and treatment, which became an indirect index of metabolic physiology in Hanwoo. In order to support such a result, the nutritional approach may be needed in the future.