The aim of this study was to examine the diffusion of macromolecules through an in vitro biofilm model of supragingival plaque. Polyspecies biofilms containing Actinomyces naeslundii, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus sobrinus, Veillonella dispar, and Candida albicans were formed on sintered hydroxyapatite disks and then incubated at room temperature for defined periods with fluorescent markers with molecular weights ranging from 3,000 to 900,000. Subsequent examination by confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the mean square penetration depths for all tested macromolecules except immunoglobulin M increased linearly with time, diffusion coefficients being linearly proportional to the cube roots of the molecular weights of the probes (range, 10,000 to 240,000). Compared to diffusion in bulk water, diffusion in the biofilms was markedly slower. The rate of diffusion for each probe appeared to be constant and not a function of biofilm depth. Analysis of diffusion phenomena through the biofilms suggested tortuosity as the most probable explanation for retarded diffusion. Selective binding of probes to receptors present in the biofilms could not explain the observed extent of retardation of diffusion. These results are relevant to oral health, as selective attenuated diffusion of fermentable carbohydrates and acids produced within dental plaque is thought to be essential for the development of carious lesions.The structure of microbial biofilms, consisting of single cells, cell aggregates, and microcolonies embedded in an exocellular polymeric hydrogel, has been the subject of intense experimental and theoretical scrutiny over the past decade (10,20,38,46). Biofilm anatomy and the physiological status of the cells contained within biofilms have profound consequences for clinical, industrial, and environmental microbiology. The exocellular space constitutes a primitive microcirculatory system that enables two-way transport between biofilm constituents and their surroundings and that facilitates intrabiofilm communication.Knowledge of the kinetics of mass transport within biofilms is essential for understanding how they achieve their characteristic architectures and for optimizing strategies to control or eradicate biofilms. Transport phenomena in biofilms have been studied by using microelectrodes (3, 41, 42) fiberoptic microsensors (2, 43), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1, 52), infrared spectroscopy combined with Raman microscopy (47), fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (4, 5), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) (18), and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) (11,25,26). Indirect methods predicated upon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy-Raman microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, FCS, or CLSM are preferred for measuring mass transport in biofilms, since invasive procedures (e.g., those involving microelectrodes or microsensors) are likely to compromise structural integrity and therefore perturb the del...