Past expert analyses of communication signals from missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 reconciled Burst Frequency Offset (BFO) errors up to the 6th of 7 arcs for a southerly track. After the 6th arc, the Satellite Data Unit (SDU) power-up or reboot resulted in settling errors in the last two data points that were ignored (first search) and later bounded (second search). For the second search, investigators invoked a high-speed vertical descent to account for BFO errors for the south track fuel-starved scenario. Two searches disappointingly failed to find the implied violent-crash site. We report that interpretations were flawed in suggesting the plane dived vertically, as investigators did not recognize that BFO extrapolations implicitly implied mathematically that the plane was also cruising along the south track, but with no fuel. Our reanalysis used the “Penang Longitude” (PL) theory that predicted a similar southerly track to the 6th arc, and that MH370 subsequently veered eastwards and descended. Doppler Shifts from vertical motions were replaced with plausible horizontal veering and declination of a high-speed aircraft. Veering predicted by the PL theory plus controlled descent plausibly accounts for nominal 7th arc BFO discrepancies for the warm-reboot scenario. We conclude that the fuel-starvation scenario analyses wrongly implied a vertical high-speed crash that ignored the impossible implicit southerly cruise, with no fuel, assumption. Instead, MH370 was piloted to a precise glide landing under power, east of the 7th arc.