This research was carried out in a greenhouse located south of Baghdad, Yusufiyah, Abu Halan area, in fall season at 20/10/2021, on Ruby gem strawberry cultivar. To find out the effect of spraying with growth regulator Benzyl adenine BA and seaweed extract on strawberry runners and some vegetative and fruiting characteristics. The study included implementation of a factorial experiment with two factors, first factor is spraying of growth regulator BA with three concentrations: 0, 50, 100 PPM as B0, B1, B2, respectively and second factor is seaweed extract spray with four concentrations: 0, 2, 4, 6 mg.L as A0, A1, A2, A3, respectively. treatments were distributed randomly in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) experiment. As experiment included 12 treatments with three replications and 12 plants for each experimental unit, thus the number of plants included in the experiment was 432 plants. The results showed that, seaweed extract spray at 6 mg/L.(A3) significantly increased in leaves number of 15.40 leaf.plant-1 and highest runner’s number of 4.77 runner.plant-1, highest leaf chlorophyll content of 0.825 %, highest leaf nitrogen content of 1.908 %, highest leaf phosphor content of 0.570 % and highest leaf potassium content of 1.87 %.