The amount of online video content is exponentially increasing, which spurs its access demands. Providing optimal quality of service (QoS) for this ever-increasing video data is a challenging task due to the number of QoS constraints. The system resources, the distributed system platform and the transport protocol thus all need to collaborate to guarantee an acceptable level of QoS for the optimal video streaming process. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on QoS management for the video-on-demand systems. First, we focus on load management and replication algorithms in content delivery networks and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for their shortcomings. We also address the problem of admission control and resource allocation with the objectives of congestion avoidance and frame-loss reduction. Besides, we introduce and discuss various replication schemes. For both the client–server architecture and P2P networks, we highlight the need for a specific storage management policy to preserve system reliability and content availability. We also focus on content distribution and streaming protocols scaling. We deduce that content availability is linked to the characteristics and the performance of the streaming protocols. Finally, we create a comparison table that presents the different contributions of the discussed approaches as well as their limitations. We believe that such a comprehensive survey provides useful insights and contributes to the related domains.