Proteins adsorbed at fluid interfaces are pivotal for the stability and flow behavior of foams and emulsions, [1][2][3] the mechanics of cell membranes, [4] and interfacial enyzme catalysis.[5] Besides a reduction in the interfacial tension, protein aggregation at the phase boundary leads to distinctive local mechanics of the interface. [1,[6][7][8] The contribution of such interfacial viscoelasticity to the macroscopic stability and flow behavior of high internal interface materials is still poorly understood. We study the interfacial mechanics of adsorption layers formed by the globular protein lysozyme and relate them to the morphology of emulsions stabilized by the same protein. A scaling analysis accounting for structural anisotropy, interfacial tension and the drop size reveals that emulsion drops stabilized by an adsorption layer of globular proteins can be seen as capsules surrounded by a soft shell. Besides its relevance for the rheology and stability of emulsions and foams, this insight is of fundamental importance for the design and controlled self-assembly of protein-based delivery systems, such as nanocapsules or colloidosomes. [9] Emulsions, immiscible polymer blends, and phase-separated biopolymer mixtures develop flow-induced morphologies if the stresses due to the applied flow field can overcome the capillary forces that favor a spherical drop morphology at rest. [10][11][12] Drops are subjected to deformation, break-up, and coalescence, all of which are associated with characteristic light scattering patterns.[10] Flow-induced shape anisotropy of emulsion drops in the mm size range can be studied by rheo small-angle light scattering (Rheo-SALS).[2, 12, 10, 13] Such measurements have been achieved for blends of immiscible polymers, where absolute viscosities are very high, [12] and in phasesegregated biopolymer mixtures, where interfacial tensions between two different aqueous phases are very low. [13] In both cases, the delicate balance of interfacial to hydrodynamic stresses is in a range in which drop sizes, time scales and shear stresses are experimentally accessible to mechanical and optical measurements. The hydrodynamic and surface chemical parameters of the system can be combined into a dimensionless quantity, the capillary number Ca = tR=s, which is the ratio of hydrodynamic (t) to interfacial stresses (s/R), where s is the static interfacial tension and R the radius of the undeformed drop. Studies on emulsion stability and flow often focus on the interfacial tension (either static, transient, or dynamic) as the sole physical property of the phase boundary.[2] It is, however, well-known that surface-active molecules impart a variety of dynamic properties upon the interface. [1,3] Therefore, the interfacial tension, which in its common use is merely a two-dimensional analog of the hydrostatic pressure in a liquid, must be generalized to include compressional and shear stresses-it becomes a tensorial quantity that is a function of both the extent and the rate of deformation of the interfac...