Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) provide protection to minimize aggressive environmental conditions such as oxidation, corrosion and thermal shocks occurring at high temperatures. In this study, a CoNiCrAlY metallic-bond coat was deposited on an Inconel 718 superalloy substrate with a thickness about 100 μm using the atmospheric-plasma-spray (APS) method. The production of TBCs was accomplished by depositing Y2O3 partially stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and MgO-stabilized zirconia (MSZ) as two different ceramic top-coating materials, having the total thickness of 300 μm. The specimens were subjected to a metallographic investigation before the oxidation tests; their surface roughness, porosity, hardness and microstructural properties were investigated and then compared with the results obtained after the oxidation tests. The TBC systems were subjected to isothermal-oxidation tests at 900°C and 1000°C for (8, 24, 50 and 100) h. After the oxidation tests, XRD, SEM and EDX elemental analyses were carried out and the changes in the thickness and structure of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer were investigated. A remarkable change occurred between the top and the bond coat in the TBC systems depending on the increasing time and temperature. The TGO layer thickness showed an increase. At the interface, Al2O3 and other mixed-oxide layers occurred. Before and after the oxidation, XRD analyses showed that YSZ had a tetragonal phase and a bit of a monoclinic phase. The MSZ coating included tetragonal, monoclinic and cubic phases at the end of the oxidation. This phase transformation causes a large volume increase in an MSZ lattice. Due to this volume increase, MSZ coatings suffer more damage than YSZ coatings. Keywords: atmospheric plasma spray, thermal barrier coatings, oxidation, ZrO2-Y2O3, ZrO2-MgO Prevleke kot termi~ne prepreke (TBCs; angl.: Thermal Barrier Coatings) zagotavljajo za{~ito pred agresivnim okoljem in zmanj{ajo oksidacijo, korozijo in termi~ni {ok zaradi obratovanja pri visokih temperaturah. V {tudiji avtorji obravnavajo kovinsko difuzijsko vezano prevleko na osnovi CoNiCrAlY, nane{eno na podlago iz superzlitine Inconel 718 debeline okoli 100 μm, ki je izdelana z metodo atmosferskega plazemskega napr{evanja (APS; angl: Atmospheric Plasma Spray). Dve razli~ni kerami~ni TBCs, celotnih debelin 300 μm, so izdelali z nana{anjem z Y2O3 delno stabiliziranega cirkonijevega oksida ZrO2 (YSZ, angl.: Yttria partially Stabilized Zirconia) in z MgO-stabiliziranega cirkonijevega oksida (MSZ; Magnesia Stabilized Zirconia). Na izdelanih vzorcih so izvedli primerjalne metalografske preiskave, pred in po oksidacijskih testih, in sicer: hrapavost povr{ine, poroznost, trdoto in mikrostrukturne lastnosti. TBC-sistema sta bila izpostavljena testom izotermalne oksidacije pri 900°C in 1000°C za (8, 24, 50 in 100) ur. Po oksidacijskih testih so izvedli XRD, SEM, EDX-elementne analize, kakor tudi ugotovili spremembe debeline in strukture termi~no zrasle oksidne plasti (TGO; angl.: Thermally Grown Oxide). Avtorji so ugotovili znatne ...