Character education is conveyed implicitly with a qualitative approach. Through everyday conditions based on the cases studied, students can participate and develop the good character of each individual and participate in exploring the cases given by the teacher. So, the study aims to increase students’ character value at SMA IT Nurul Fikri Boarding School Aceh. This research was conducted at SMA IT Nurul Fikri Boarding School Aceh. The subjects of this study were students. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. An interview is a conversation between two parties, namely between the questioner (interviewer) and the interviewee (interviewer) who provides answers to questions. SMA IT Nurul Fikri Boarding School Aceh has four main brandings, first praying in congregation, second Tahfizul Al-Qur’an, third character, and fourth academic. If students violate the most important thing, then students get special coaching. Violating more than three times, the student is given a warning letter. Character education must be disciplined to be applied to students, and teachers must carry out the same as students. Character education is easier to apply by imitating through actions rather than giving messages and advice. Character education needs regular habituation for students.