Pigmented rice may have a black or red color due to higher anthocyanin content in its grain. A natural an oxidant, many studies on anthocyanin have reported its posi ve effects on human health. This fact has spurred the development of pigmented rice as a func onal food. This study aimed to compare the metabolite profiles of black and red rice. Three black rice cul vars, namely Melik, Pari Ireng, and Cempo Ireng Sleman, and two red rice cul vars, Inpari 24 and RC 204, were used. A er husk removal, grain samples were ground in liquid nitrogen and dried with a freeze dryer. The dried samples were extracted using 50% MeOD4 (in a D 2 O phosphate buffer pH 6 containing 0.01% TSP as an internal standard). Metabolomic analysis was performed using 500 MHz NMR followed by mul variate data analysis. An orthogonal par al least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) model a er PCA was constructed to discriminate between the five different cul vars. The resul ng OPLS-DA score plot revealed a clear separa on between black rice and red rice. The metabolites that could influence the separa on of red rice and black rice were valine, threonine, alanine, glutamate, galac nol, β-glucose, α-glucose, raffinose, and fumaric acid.