Soil fertility in the Lubumbashi region often proves to be limiting factor for crop production due to their low nutrient reserves. The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizae on phosphorus uptake by maize on Ferralsol. The trial was conducted in pots with 30 kg or 60 kg of P2O5 ha−1 and a control. These three levels of phosphorus were combined or not with arbuscular mycorrhizae. The combinations of 30 kg or 60 kg of phosphorus with the inoculum led to a male flowering of maize at 63 days after semi. Maize treated with 60 kg of phosphorus ha−1 formed very few or almost no blisters in the roots. Cob weight, length, diameter, number of rows and kernel weight varied significantly with phosphorus on both inoculated and uninoculated pots. The inoculated plants had high averages for these yield parameters. Due to the lack of phosphate fertilizer, inoculum alone can be an alternative to phosphorus provided that nitrogen and potassium are added, resulting in small but seed-filled ears compared to the phosphorus-free control without mycorrhizae, which resulted in empty ears. Yield varied significantly with the addition of phosphorus (0.3 to 6.1 tons ha−1) and less significantly with inoculum (3 to 3.7 t ha−1). The combination of treatments showed a significant difference in favour of the 60 kg of phosphorus or 60 kg of phosphorus associated with the inoculum. The highest phosphorus content was obtained on the inoculum treatment alone, which provided 1.4 mg phosphorus g−1 maize compared to other treatments, which provided 0.69 to 0.71 mg phosphorus g−1 maize.