A general theory for the optknlzatlon of secondary chemlcal equlllbrla In Hquld chromatography (SCE-LC) Is presented. Equations that predlct the opthnum moblle phase condltlons are derived expllcltly for the equillbrlum AX + A + X. The selectlvtty of SCE-LC has been substantially underestlmated because MMopthlun moMle phase condltkns were employed In previous selectlvlty estimates. An upper bound for the Selectivity Is given by cy I IOIb'I, where ApK Is the dHference In the equilibrium constants of the two solutes. The self-selectlvlty, or ratio of capaclty factors, klAX/klA, determines the moblle phase optlmum and the overall chromatographic selectlvlty whlch can be achleved. The maximum selectlvlty is predicted for several values of k',/k', and ApK. The opthnum concentratlon of equlllbrant, [ XI , , , can be predlcted from pX, = pK, , + (1/2) log (k'Ax/k'A), where pX, = -log [XI, and pKA,, Is the average effecthre equlllbrium constant of the two solutes. The theory Is experlmentally verlfled for acid-base equlllbrla.