The single-crystalm icro/nanostructures of fullerene species, namely C 60 and C 70 ,h ave been previously studied, but studies on the morphology and properties of higher fullerenes have rarely been reported due to the limited amount of samples andt heir ellipsoidal isomeric structures. Herein, we report the formation of three-dimensional (3D) micro-cubes and micro-diceo fahigherf ullerene (C 78)v ia a facile liquid-liquidi nterfacial precipitation (LLIP) method. The micro-cubeswereprepared by regulating the concentration of C 78 in trimethylbenzene(TMB) and the volume ratio of TMB and isopropanol. Interestingly,t he micro-cubesa re transformed into micro-dice with an open-hole on each crystal face by simply shaking the solution. X-ray diffraction and Fourier-transform infrareds pectroscopic studies revealed a simple cubic unit cell with al attice constant of 10.6 and intercalated TMB molecules in both crystals.T he C 78 cubic and dice-like microstructures exhibited enhanced photoelectrochemical and photoluminescence properties compared with pristine C 78 powder,i ndicating their potential applications as photodetectors and photoelectric devices.