B oundary lubrication by hydrocarbon s was explored by usin g a four-ball mach ine with 52100 steel specimens at 0.35 em per second slidin g veloci ty. The chemi cal type of the hydrocarbon and the am ount of oxyge n dissolved in it appeared important. Low molecular wei ght liquid aromatic hydrocarbons exposed to ambient air w ere found as effective as straight mineral oils in controlling wear , while saturated hydro carbons usually w ere markedly poorer . Benz ene and cycloh exane were used as m odel lubri cant s in the study of oxyg en concentration in vapor and liquid phase. Both high and low oxyge n-to-hydrocarbon ratios favored high wear and inor ganic wear products. Certain in term ediat e rati os favored low wear and the formation of an oxy genated organic "friction poly m er" w hich prevent ed metallic cont act. Re sults are discussed in the light of kno wl edge concerni ng catalyt ic reactions at clean metal sur faces.