The sand dunes at Baltim area are consumed by the local public in three main activities; manufacturing of building bricks, fill-up of buildings and roads and uplifting the agricultural areas. The expected high concentrations of the terrestrial radionuclides; 238 U, 232 Th and 40 K in these sands lead to the null hypothesis: H 0 : The random uses of the sand dunes at Baltim area cause high radiation hazards to the local public. Physically, the effective doses received by the public at Baltim area due to the three proposed activities were estimated and found to be less than the worldwide effective doses arising from the terrestrial radionuclides. Accordingly, no argument to enforce the local public to stop consuming the sand dunes at Baltim area in the studied activities depending on the expected radiation hazards. Alternatively, enlightenment and education programs to the local public at Baltim area in the scope of the sustainable development may be more effective to save this important resource.