The propagation of detonation in layers of reactive gas bounded by inert gas is simulated computationally in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems described by the two-dimensional Euler equations with the energy release governed by an Arrhenius rate equation. The thickness of the layer is varied and the detonation velocity is recorded as the layer thickness approaches the critical value necessary for successful propagation. In homogeneous systems, as activation energy is increased, the detonation wave exhibits increasingly irregular cellular structure characteristic of the inherent multidimensional instability. The critical layer thickness necessary to observe successful propagation increases rapidly, by a factor of five, as the activation energy is increased from E a /RT 0 = 20 to 30; propagation could not be observed at higher activation energies due to computational limitations. For simulations of inhomogeneous systems, the source energy is concentrated into randomly positioned squares of reactive medium embedded in inert gas; this discretization is done in such a way that the average energy content and the theoretical Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) speed remains the same. In the limit of highly discrete systems with layer thicknesses much greater than critical, velocities greater than the CJ speed are obtained, consistent with our prior results in effectively infinite width sys-