defocus in the center of the pupil, whereas inducing negative Zernike SA results in a myopic shift. Conversely, inducing positive Seidel-like SA (which gradually affects the wavefront toward the periphery) leads to an overall myopic shift (Figure 1,. By contrast, negative Seidel-like SA induces a hyperopic shift.In the study by Kozhaya et al., Zernike SA was induced using AO without adjusting the refraction for distance vision. The central hyperopic shift caused by positive Zernike SA led to a degradation in intermediate and near visual acuity, whereas the myopic shift caused by negative Zernike SA resulted in an improvement in intermediate and near visual acuity. This created the misleading impression that only negative SA enhances depth of focus. The study protocol further amplifies the significance of central defocus induced by the Zernike SA polynomial compared with optical bench studies, as it accounted for the Stiles-Crawford effect using real eyes and assessing subjective visual acuity. As a reminder, the Stiles-Crawford effect arises from the geometrical preference of cone photoreceptors for central rays over peripheral rays, highlighting the crucial role of central rays in human vision.This paradoxical induction of defocus by Zernike SA is well described in the study by Rocha et al. using a similar AO protocol. Their study shows a shift of the best focal plane (referred to in their study as the center of focus) in the through-focus curve "in the direction of the sign of the induced SA." 4 Regarding the graphs presented by Holladay et al., we believe they do not support the claim that positive SA fails to enhance depth of focus. Instead, the graphs illustrate that in an optical system with positive Seidel-like SA, peripheral rays undergo myopic defocus compared with central rays. By contrast, a system without SA exhibits no differential defocus between peripheral and central rays. Conversely, a system with negative Seidel-like SA results in peripheral rays experiencing hyperopic defocus.Contrary to the assessment by Holladay et al., the proximity between the best focal plane (behind the retina) and the focalization plane achieved during near vision in an emmetropic patient (also behind the retina) does not indicate good vision. Instead, as the retina remains at the same location in the eye, the plane shift caused by focusing on a near object needs to be compensated, requiring some rays to focus before the retina, similar to what is observed in myopia.It is crucial to understand that in the case of negative Seidel-like SA, the extension of a useful depth of focus implies that for a distant target, paraxial rays are defocused in a plane anterior to the retina. Conversely, if this were not the case, nonparaxial rays would be defocused in a plane posterior to the retina, which would not allow for an extended depth of focus for near targets. In positive Seidel-like SA, the paraxial rays from a distant target need to be focused in a plane close to the retina as the peripheral rays provide additional power.In ...