The chemical composition, expressible water (EW), water holding capacity
(WHC), pH value, total acidity (as lactic acid), thiobarbituric acid (TBA),
aerobic plate count, and sensory evaluation were determined in order to
evaluate the effect of two different natural antioxidants combined with
edible packaging on the stability of low fat beef product stored frozen for
six months. The data showed that there were no changes in the chemical
composition as a result of the addition of antioxidants. It also showed an
increase in the (E.W) values as the storage time progressed correlated by
decreasing in the (WHC) values. The increment in the (E.W) and the decrease
in the (WHC) were the highest among the untreated samples. The data
demonstrated decreasing in the pH values and increasing in the acidity values
for the treated and the untreated samples. The reduction of pH and the
increment of acidity were higher in the untreated samples compared by the
treated ones. TBA values increased over time for all samples. The increment
was rapid for the untreated sample. The reduction rate of color for the
untreated sample was higher than the treated ones followed by the green tea
treated sample, while flavor value for sample treated by the green tea was
the lowest value compared with the other samples. The results indicated that
the use of chitosan as edible film had delayed the proliferation of aerobic
plate count.