COVID-19 is characterized by an acute inflammatory response with the
formation of endothelial dysfunction and may affect arterial stiffness. Studies of cardio-ankle vascular
index in COVID-19 patients with considered cardiovascular risk factors have not been conducted.
The purpose of our study was to assess the association between cardio-ankle vascular
index and COVID-19 in hospitalized patients adjusted for known cardiovascular risk factors.
A cross-sectional study included 174 people hospitalized with a diagnosis of moderate
COVID-19 and 94 people without COVID-19. Significant differences in the cardio-ankle vascular
index values measured by VaSera VS - 1500N between the two groups were analyzed using parametric
(Student's t-criterion) and nonparametric (Mann-Whitney) criteria. Independent association
between COVID-19 and an increased cardio-ankle vascular index ≥ 9.0 adjusted for known cardiovascular
risk factors was assessed by multivariate logistic regression.
There were significantly higher values of the right cardio-ankle vascular index 8.10
[7.00;9.40] and the left cardio-ankle vascular index 8.10 [6.95;9.65] in patients undergoing inpatient
treatment for COVID-19 than in the control group – 7.55 [6.60;8.60] and 7.60 [6.60;8.70], respectively.
A multivariate logistic regression model adjusted for age, hypertension, plasma glucose
level, glomerular filtration rate and diabetes mellitus showed a significant association between
increased cardio-ankle vascular index and COVID-19 (OR 2.41 [CI 1.09;5.30]).
Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 had significantly higher cardio-ankle vascular
index values compared to the control group. An association between an increased cardio-ankle vascular
index and COVID-19 was revealed, independent of age, hypertension, plasma glucose level,
glomerular filtration rate and diabetes mellitus.