Key words: CaCl 2 , chlo ro phyll, Cichorium inty bus, NaCl, ni tro gen as sim i la tion, pho to syn the sis and stomatal con duc tance
Ab stractPot cul ture ex per i ments were con ducted to as sess the ex tent of growth, photosynthetic ef fi ciency and ni tro gen as sim i la tion of chic ory (Cichorium intybus L.) as af fected by NaCl and CaCl 2 alone as well as in com bi na tion. Six treat ments, i.e., 80 mM and 160 mM NaCl, 5 mM and 10 mM CaCl 2 and 80 mM + 10 mM and 160 mM + 10 mM of NaCl + CaCl 2 were given to the grow ing plants sep a rately at three de vel op men tal stages, viz., the pre-flow er ing (30 DAS), flow er ing (120 DAS) and post-flow er ing (150 DAS) stages. Each NaCl treat ment caused a sig nif i cant re duc tion in to tal plant bio mass, photosynthetic rate, stomatal con duc tance, to tal chlo ro phyll con tent, sol u ble pro tein con tent, NR ac tiv ity and ni tro gen con tent, al though nitrate con tent in creased. On the con trary CaCl 2 treat ment gave a fa vor able ef fect, com pared to the con trol. The ef fect of combined treat ments was sim i lar to that of NaCl but less in mag nitude. Thus, the ap pli ca tion of CaCl 2 may mit i gate the ad verse ef fect caused by NaCl.List of ab bre vi a tions: Chl = chlo ro phyll con tent; DAS = days af ter sow ing; NR = Ni trate reductase ac tiv ity; P N = photosynthetic rate; g s = stomatal con duc tance
In tro duc tionThe phe nom ena of plant growth and de vel op ment are var i ously in flu enced by en vi ron men tal fac tors such as tem per a ture, freez ing, wa ter, sa lin ity and nu tri ents avail abil ity (Levitt 1980). Sa lin ity is a com mon en vi ron men tal stress that in flu ences plant growth and places ma jor lim its on plant pro duc tivity in cul ti vated ar eas world wide. Sa lin ity can se riously al ter plant met a bolic ac tiv i ties such as as simi la tion of min eral nu tri ents (Munns et al. 2000, Arshi et al. 2002, stomatal con duc tance Lauteri 1991, Ouerghi et al. 2000), mesophyll con duc tance (Delfine et al. 1998), car bon me tab olism, and/or ef fi ciency of photosynthetic en zymes (Brugnoli and Björkman 1992). Sa lin ity in hib its plant growth via os motic and ionic ef fects, and differ ent plant spe cies have de vel oped dif fer ent mecha nisms to cope with these ef fects (Munns 2002). Os motic ad just ment, i.e. re duc tion of cel lu lar osmotic po ten tial by net sol ute ac cu mu la tion, has been con sid ered an im por tant mech a nism of salt tol er ance in plants. Re duc tion in os motic po ten tial in salt-stressed plants can stem from in or ganic ion (Na + , Cl -and K + ) ac cu mu la tions (Hasegawa et al. 2000). The os motic ad just ment in both leaves and roots con trib utes to the main te nance of wa ter up -137 ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM