Populations of Bacillus subtilis spores in which 90 to 99.9% of the spores had been killed by moist heat gave only two fractions on equilibrium density gradient centrifugation: a fraction comprised of less dense spores that had lost their dipicolinic acid (DPA), undergone significant protein denaturation, and were all dead and a fraction with the same higher density as that of unheated spores. The latter fraction from heat-killed spore populations retained all of its DPA, but >98% of the spores could be dead. The dead spores that retained DPA germinated relatively normally with nutrient and nonnutrient germinants, but the outgrowth of these germinated spores was significantly compromised, perhaps because they had suffered damage to some proteins such that metabolic activity during outgrowth was greatly decreased. These results indicate that DPA release takes place well after spore killing by moist heat and that DPA release during moist-heat treatment is an all-ornothing phenomenon; these findings also suggest that damage to one or more key spore proteins causes spore killing by moist heat.Spores of Bacillus and Clostridium species formed in sporulation are metabolically dormant and extremely resistant to a variety of stress factors, including moist heat, dry heat, UV and gamma radiation, desiccation, and many toxic chemicals (18,32). Since spores of many of these species are commonly present in foodstuffs and since cells of some species can cause food spoilage or food-borne disease, much effort is expended in eliminating spores from foods. Moist heat is used routinely for inactivation of spores, generally at temperatures of Ն100°C for short to moderate periods of time. This method has been used for many, many years and is the gold standard for inactivation of spores in a food product.In general, spores are resistant to moist-heat temperatures that are ϳ45°C higher than those that inactivate growing cells of the same organism (36). A number of factors are responsible for spore moist-heat resistance, including the following: (i) the optimum growth temperature of the bacterial strain and the sporulation temperature (higher optimum growth and sporulation temperatures result in more resistant spores), (ii) the spore core's high level of dipicolinic acid (DPA) and its associated divalent cations, (iii) the type of divalent cations associated with DPA, (iv) the protection of spore DNA by its saturation with a group of ␣/-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins, and (v) the low water content in the spore core, which may contain as little as 25% of its wet weight as water in the most resistant spores (9,18,32).Even though the mechanisms of spore resistance to moist heat are fairly well understood, there is only a rudimentary understanding of the mechanism whereby spores are killed by this treatment, although this is not by DNA damage, since spore DNA is well protected by its saturation with ␣/-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (18, 32). Moist-heat-treated spores often appear injured, and although they can be reco...