This article focused on investigating numerically the effects of key design parameters including tape thickness, tube wall to tape edge clearance and three different perforated shapes cut (circular, triangular and pentagon) on the heat transfer coefficient enhancement in tube with twisted tape inserts. Water was considered as the working fluid under the turbulent flow of Reynolds number (Re) between 12,000 and 22,000, with constant wall temperature of the tubes. It is found that due to the swirling flow and efficient mixing of the fluid, all the tape inserts considered in this study produced better thermalhydraulic performance than the plain tube without an insert. At the same time, tape inserts with small tube wall to tape edge clearance and considerable thickness value is beneficial to reduce the friction factor, consequently enhancing the heat transfer rate. Through the thermal performance factor (TPF) evaluation, the twisted tape with perforated triangular shape cut has an advantage over the pentagon and circular shapes cut with increasing Re. A maximum TPF as high as 1.68 can be obtained for the twisted tape with perforated triangular shape cut under low turbulent Re.