The objective of this study was the evaluation of different fibres (bamboo, acacia, potato or citrus) addition on texture, rheological and sensory properties of acid casein processed cheese sauces. Fibres used in production of sauces had an impact on the texture, viscosity, viscoelastic and sensory properties. The largest increase in viscosity was observed in products with addition of potato fibre, which have good water holding and adsorption capacity. Processed cheese sauce with the addition of citrus fibre was characterised by the highest values in general, and the increase of this feature in the tested samples was regular. Adhesiveness was the highest in products with 1% addition of every fibre. The lowest values of viscosity single shear, G 0 and G″ moduli, among all tested, had sauces with acacia fibre. Moreover, they had the most thin liquid consistency, which was different from preferred one.