Information on the water permeability of materials for radioactive waste disposal in geological repositories is essential. High strength and ultra-low permeability concrete (HSULPC) is being considered as a material used to package transuranic (TRU) waste. HSULPC would be reinforced by steel fiber to increase its tensile strength and toughness, but the effect of reinforcing steel fiber on permeability is unclear. Permeability tests need to be highly accurate to determine the hydraulic properties of low permeability materials. In this study, the hydraulic conductivity of HSULPC with steel fiber using the transient pulse method. The hydraulic conductivities of HSULPC with/without steel fiber were determined to be around 10 ¹13 to 10 ¹11 m/s under the confining pressures between 2 and 10 MPa and pore pressure of 1 MPa constant. The results further showed that the permeability of these materials had a hysteretic dependence on the effective confining pressure. There was no remarkable difference of hydraulic conductivity between HSULPC with and without steel fiber. SEM observation revealed that HSULPC with steel fiber has isolated voids to some extent included during mixing of concrete but there are few voids on the interface of steel fiber for water channel. However, due to the higher porosity, the hydraulic conductivity of HSULPC with steel fiber is relatively higher than that without fiber. Still, the permeability of fiber reinforced HSULPC is low enough compared with Horonobe mudstone and Toki granite and would enable it to effectively confine 14 C radionuclides in TRU waste.