Acute rerupture after coil embolization is defined as rerupture within three days after treatment; its prognosis is worse than that of rebleeding at other time periods. However, to date, little is known about complications during the acute phase. Therefore, we used the PubMed database to perform a review of acute rerupture after coil embolization of ruptured intracranial saccular aneurysms and increase our understanding. After reviewing the complications, we found that the cause of acute rerupture is unclear, but the following risk factors are involved: incomplete occlusion of the initial aneurysm, the presence of a hematoma adjacent to a ruptured aneurysm, an aneurysmal outpouching, poor Hunt-Hess grade at the time of treatment, and the location of the aneurysm in an anterior communicating artery. In addition, intraoperative rupture is a non-negligible cause. Acute rerupture after coil embolization mainly occurs within the first 24 hours after the procedure. Brain computed tomography is the gold standard for diagnosing acute rebleeding of a coiled aneurysm. For acute rerupture after coil embolization, prevention is critical, and complete occlusion of the aneurysm in the first session is the best protection against acute rebleeding. In addition, a restricted postembolization anticoagulation strategy is recommended for patients with high-risk aneurysms. For patients with an adjacent hematoma, surgical clipping is recommended. Most patients present no changes immediately after acute rebleeding because of their poor condition. However, surgical or endovascular treatments can be attempted if the patient is in an acceptable condition. Even so, the outcomes are typically unsatisfactory.