The hydrogen evolution reaction has received more attention in the electrochemical literature than any other reaction. This is because of its relevance to energy conversion, chemical production processes, and corrosion. Furthermore, it is reported to be one of the simplest reactions in electrochemistry, and the study of its mechanism has been the subject of a vast amount Of literature.The relevance of hydrogen evolution to corrosion processes stems from its role as the main cathodic reaction in low-pH aqueous environments and in environmental cracking phenomena. While it is debated what portion of environmental cracking is due to hydrogen entry and subsequent embrittlement, it is commonly accepted that hydrogen at least is responsible for cracking problems where cathodic protection or acidified crack chemistry is concerned. Recently, Scully and Moran (1, 2) have investigated the environmental cracking of high-strength steels under cathodic protection in chloride environments during mechanical perturbations. It is generally observed that periodic mechanical perturbation of the steel during cathodic polarization increases its susceptibility to cracking. Scully and Moran demonstrated that the 'strain caused rupture of the surface films and generated bare surface where hydrogen evolution occurred more slowly. The major factor influenced was the exchange current density. This resulted in a higher overpotential at those regions because of the controlled constant current experiments typical of cathodic protection systems. Hydrogen absorption was promoted at these bare metal sites relative to the filmcovered surface and was shown to be the cause of enhanced cracking due to cyclic strain. While a clear difference in the catalytic behavior of the film-covered surface relative to the bare surface for the hydrogen evolution re-* Electrochemical Society Active Member. action v~as observed, a careful fundamental study to explain the behavior was not pursued. Further, no discussion of the influence of the elastic strain in the metal lattice on the reaction kinetics was included. The purpose of the investigation reported in this paper is to examine the influence of elastic strain of a metal lattice on the hydrogen evolution kinetics on its surface. Simple systems were studied, i.e., systems with well-characterized kinetics for the reaction and no surface films. The systems consisted of either platinum or palladium metal and varying concentrations of HC1, HC104, and H2SO4.