Aerial oxidation of ethanol in the presence of an aromatic azo-compound and COX, (X = F, CI, O,CMe, or C104) or iron(ll1) chloride gives a stoicheiometric amount: of acetaldehyde with CoCI,, Co[O,CMe],, and FeCI,, but no oxidation occurs with CoF, and CO[CIO,]~. Addition of nitrogen-donor ligands promotes the oxidising activity in CoF,, and this effect is discussed and a mechanism is proposed for the oxidation. The cobalt(ii)chloride-aromatic azo-compound combination effects slow catalytic oxidation of a potassium propionate-propanol mixture. Several rhodium complexes which catalytically oxidise ethanol are reported, and 5% Rh-C dehydrogenates ethanol smoothly a t its boiling point.* Throughout this paper: 1 mmHg x 13.6 x 9.8 Pa.