Ap rominent challenge in replacing petrochemical polymers with bioderived alternatives is the efficient transformation of biomass into useful monomers. In this work, we demonstrate ap ractical process for the synthesis of multifunctional alcohols from five-a nd six-carbon acids using heterogeneous catalysts in aqueous media. Design of this process was guided by thermodynamic calculations, which indicate the need for two sequentialh igh-pressure hydrogenations:o ne, reductiono ft he acid to al actone at high temperature;t wo, further reduction of the lactone to the correspondingd iol or triol at low temperature. For example, the conversion of mesaconic acid into (a or b)-methyl-g-butyrolactone was achievedw ith9 5% selectivity at at urnover frequency of 1.2 min À1 over Pd/C at 240 8C. Subsequentc onversion of (a or b)-methyl-g-butyrolactone into 2-methyl-1,4-butanediolw as achieved with ayield of 80 %w ith Ru/C at 100 8C. Thisp rocess is an efficient methodf or the productiono fl actones, diols, andt riols, all valuablem onomersf or the synthesis of bioderived branched polyesters.Scheme1.Hybrid process for the production of bioderived lactones, diols, and branched polymers from glucose.[a] Dr.Supporting Information for this article can be foundu nder http:// dx.