In many crop species, supplemental Ca2l alleviates the inhibition of growth typical of exposure to salt stress. In hydroponically grown cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Acala SJ-2), both length and weight of the primary root were enhanced by moderate salinities (25 to 100 millimolar NaCQ) in the presence of 10 millimolar Ca2", but the roots became thinner. Anatomical analysis showed that the cortical cells of these roots were longer and narrower than those of the control plants, while cortical cells of roots grown at the same salinities but in the presence of only 0.4 millimolar Ca2" became shorter and more nearly isodiametrical. Cell volume, however, was not affected by salinities up to 200 millimolar NaCl at either OA or 10 millimolar Ca2". Our observations suggest Ca2-dependent effects of salinity on the cytoskeleton. The rate of cell production declined with increasing salinity at 0.4 millimolar Ca21 but at 10 millimolar Ca2@ was not affected by salinities up to 150 millimolar NaCI.salt-resistant crop species, is, nonetheless, fairly salt-sensitive during the seedling stage (20). Supplemental Ca reduced Na+ influx, improved K+/Na+ selectivity and actually stimulated root growth at salinities up to 150 mM NaCl (GR Cramer, unpublished data;6,14); furthermore, it seemed to improve the resistance of the roots to microbial attack (20 and references therein).The Ca2" level of the medium also influenced the morphology of salt-stressed roots: roots grown in the presence of 10 mm Ca2"were not only longer but also thinner than roots grown in 0.4 mM Ca2? (6). This raised the question whether the observed changes in growth were mediated through changes in cell size, the rate of cell production, or both (29, 34). We here report that salinities up to 150 mm NaCl affect cell production only when Ca2" levels are relatively low. The three-dimensional shape of root cells, but not cell volume, is also differentially affected by salinity depending on the external Ca2" concentration, which suggests direct or indirect effects of Na+ and Ca2" on the cytoskeleton.Most crop plants suffer a decline in growth when exposed to saline conditions. The deleterious effects of salinity are thought to result from water stress, ion toxicities, ion imbalance, or a combination ofthese factors. One ofthe requirements for growth is maintenance ofcell turgor above a threshold level; under saline conditions, osmotic withdrawal of water from enlarging cells may cause their turgor pressure to drop below the threshold.Unless the plant can generate a sufficiently negative osmotic potential to reverse the flow of water, either by uptake of ions from the medium or by synthesis of organic osmotica, growth will stop. Ion imbalances in plants can, for example, occur when high concentrations of Na+ in the soil reduce the amounts of available K+, Mg2", and Ca2" (10) or when Na+ displaces membrane-bound Ca2+ (7). Sometimes Na+ has direct toxic effects, as when it interferes with enzyme structure and function. It may also interfere with the fun...