Stereolithography (SLA) is a 3D printing technology commonly used in many fields. This advanced printing technology makes it possible to produce a wide range of products with smooth surfaces with high precision. Nowadays, 3D printing technology is the Top most effective with almost absolute accuracy. Support is still needed to print corner protrusions. Still, a more significant concern is to minimize the cross-sectional area at each print layer to avoid bias when removing a print layer from the silicone. Support structures in small columns or frame structures to keep the model in the correct position during printing are often created in preparation for stereolithography 3D printing. These structures are printed with the model and removed after printing. The support structure has an essential influence on the quality and accuracy of the 3D-printed product. In this study, the survey model is fabricated based on SLA 3D printing technology with different support structures, and the mechanical properties of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene like resin (ABS like resin) are tested. Check the parameters on the compression testing machine, and the results show that the two-headed support structure is optimal for the surveyed plastic materials.